Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Cataract Surgery

I just got back from a visit with my opthamologist. Her first question was "Are you ready for surgery now?" I think I am, because three years after chemo the cataracts are not getting too much worse but they are bothering me. Thank you steroids! NOT.

I am bummed about the whole thing. First, that I did not have cataracts before chemo. Second that because of chemo I have cataracts. Third, I need cataract surgery. And fourth, I have to go without contact lenses for at least two weeks before they can do some measurements on my eyes. I am thinking that the last of these, two weeks or more with glasses is the worst. I feel my vision is best with contacts and I am uncomfortable out of the house with glasses. The doc checked my vision and I am legal to drive with my glasses, but still legal to drive and comfortable and confident to drive are different.

On the positive side, when the surgery is complete it is quite possible that I will only need glasses for reading. Because I have worn glasses for 64 years and contacts for 50 years, this will be life changing.

But, there are risks. I have short eye balls. This increases the risk of hemmorage and blindness as a result of the surgery. Research is in order.

I am drinking bourbon to help digest and cope with the situation.

Two blog posts in one day may allow me to keep up with January's good start.


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