Wednesday, February 5, 2014

More Snow, Damn.

The sky opened up and it started snowing late yesterday afternoon and it is still coming down. Looks like about six inches here and I am done but the snow isn't. We seem to be done with the system snow now and are getting lake effect snow. We are due for more snow this weekend. And that one, as this one and the last one, are followed by plunging temperatures. This is a winter for the record books.

I am taking a break from blowing snow. There is so much piled at the end of our driveway it is hard to blow snow over it - and it is slowly blocking the end of the drive. Bless Carl for doing the sidewalks in our block, that made it a bit easier. I did Linda's sidewalk and stopped and had a nice chat.

Shelby ran out the back door a while ago. He looked at the snow and realized there was no escape and headed back in. Sometimes he does the right thing.

Yesterday and the day before I sat in our back room and watched activity at the bird feeder. On both days there was little activity early in the day, but by midday there was much activity. Late yesterday, around sunset, the bird activity peaked the feeder and the snow pack underneath was very busy. This morning in the snow, there was a squirrel on the feeder but no bird activity. Are they just hunkered down? I will be, but U have more snow to blow and shovel. Later.


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