Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Welcome Home!

Last night we arrived home from our trip to find a driveway full of snow and two very hungry kitties. Our cat sitter must have mistaken when we would arrive home and left our kitties a day early. They forgave us though and we are not being punished.

Darn it is cold here! This winter has been one of the coldest in a long time. Last night Sharon said that if our winters were going to continue to be this uncomfortable, we should consider moving. But where?

I'm off to a fast start with blog entries so far this year. I'm on number five and we are not even done with January.

I just came inside after a short session with the snow blower. It is too cold to do the whole driveway at one time. I've got perhaps 1/3 of it done and my fingers were so frigid in my really good gloves that I had to come inside for some warming. I guess my fingers have recovered because I am typing.

I read online today that 24% of Americans didn't read a book this past year. Or is it 25% did read books? Whichever it is, it is a sad number. Read more books! I do most of my book reading on my iPad now after making the transition a couple of years ago. I'm on my third book this year. I've finished up the series on the life of a Roman Legionary by R.W. Peake and have started on an AI series by William Hertling. There is a big difference between historical fiction and science fiction, but I do enjoy both genres.

Enough, back to blowing snow!


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