Monday, July 8, 2013

Summer is Here!

Yesterday I posted the following on Face Book:

"Tonight I had a major milestone moment in cancer recovery. For almost three years I have been unable to walk the length of our driveway barefoot. For someone who grew up going barefoot and who has always loved the feeling of being barefoot, the neuropathy resulting from chemo has been a major challenge in my life. Though I still experience major numbness and a lot of discomfort, I walked to the end of the drive and back twice this evening, slowly, but successfully."

I didn't mention a couple of other changes in my cancer recovery. First is that I am now able to pick up and play the ukulele again. My finger tips have been sensitive and it has been too painful to fret the ukulele since chemo. I have tried gloves that have helped but they are not easy to use. Now I can fret the ukulele with no pain! I still have to toughen my finger tips but daily practice will take care of that. The daily practice will also bring back all the cords and strums I have forgotten.

Also, Sharon says I seem to have more energy. Perhaps I do, and I may feel a bit, but she says the change is noticeable. I'll take it.

Catch up time now! We have had a number of visitors this summer - starting with the Lobbes clan. John, Carol, Tim, Margaret, Nicholas, Sara, Rebecca, and Anika. (Hopefully I got the last two names spelled correctly.) We had a house full the weekend before Independence Day. Sharon and I were both expecting the visit to be stressful but thankfully it was not. We all had a great visit.

We had a major surprise visit from Kendra, Avery, and Anika this past weekend. On Saturday Sharon and I were on our way to have dinner with the Soler's at their condo in Chicago. Kendra called and said they were stopped at O'Hare on their way from Connecticut to Oregon but their flight would not leave for Portland for 24 hours. Less than 30 minutes later they were all in our car headed for Chicago! We had a very nice dinner at the Soler's and were able to watch the Navy Pier fire works. Then it was home to our house and to bed. On Sunday Sharon and Anika made biscuits and Anika made scrambled eggs then we headed to the Arboretum for a few hours of fun. We bought a late lunch and snacks at Whole Foods then packed everyone up and headed to O'Hare. The kids were excited to ride the train from Kiss and Fly to the terminal. Sadly, their flight was delayed more and they missed their connection in Portland to take them home to Redmond but United did put them in a hotel in Portland.

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