Sunday, August 5, 2012

China Tour 2012 - Hangzhou

Our guide, Tony
Self Portrait - Happy Buddha, Happy Colby
Green tea bushes
Green Tea
Green Tea
This city has such a different feel from the others we have visited. More western, almost European. We had a wonderful day here.

The western breakfast in the hotel was great and then Tony picked us up at 9:00am. We were off to a tour of the West Lake including a boat ride to the garden island in the middle. It was lovely. Pictures below! Then we were off to look at pagodas and Buddhas. they were beautiful and interestig

After lunch we headed to the tea village and a tour of a government owned tea factory and another well rehearsed infomercial. Needless to say, we bought tea. It IS very good quality green tea but it was not cheap. But, if I drink it daily I will lose weight, lower my cholesterol, become more beautiful, avoid cancer. and have clearer pee.

Finally, cocktails in the Sofitel lounge then pizza and wine for dinner in an Italian restaurant with a Filipino 50's to 80's cover band. A wonderful day!

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