Thursday, June 2, 2011

May 15, Sunday

Bon Jour!

We slept late and did not get going until about 11am. It was raining and we borrowed an umbrella from the hotel. We strolled to the cool looking, art deco patisserie - Waida where we had pan chocolate, cafe au lait, cafe au chocolate, and gathered our wits and made plans. Today we may do a museum, may do another Champagne house, may sit and read. We shall see!

We did not make it to another Champagne house - my feet gave up at the bus stop. The museum was closed. Instead we went for lunch at Le Grande Cafe. Started with glasses of Champagne, then a pichet of rose. Sharon had Cassoulet de la Mer - shrimp, moules, scallops, mushrooms, mire poix, cream. Yummy. Colby had Moules Catalan - moules, jambon, calamari, chorizo, cream, and a side of frites.

Time for a nap! We rested a while and went for a walk to a square dedicated to victims of the gestapo. They were nasty people.

We then came upon an interesting building - in a bit of disrepair, but at one time quite an attractive art deco theatre.

Shortly after, I felt  a gurgling in my belly - and ignored it. We sat down at a cafe for an aperitif and within moments I said I needed to go back to the hotel. The wonderful moules wanted to be purged. From 6pm to 9pm I had to stay close to le toilette. Sharon went out and bought rice, salad, pizza, and coca cola to go. Our last night in Reims was spent in our hotel room.

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