Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Austin. What a cat! He was born in Pflugerville, Texas, was moved into the Campbell garage by his mom, and adopted by Sharon and Colby. He flew home with us, howling all the way in his carrier. Everyone on the plane knew there was a kitten on board. This photo was taken in 2003 while I was doing a photo shoot in our basement for a client. Austin was not shy and he made himself at home. He had a good life with us and we with him. Austin moved on about two years after this photo was taken and we do miss him.

As for me, hair continues to grow, neuropathy continues in my fingers and feet. Nails continue to fall of and grow. The pnemonia seems to be gone. I am regulating my temperature (I'm not sure I have written about this before.) Oh, and with my new contacts and glasses I can see! My vision had gotten horrible and now it is corrected to pre-chemo levels.

Kathy is due, or should I say Brady is due in two weeks. I am going to be a proud great uncle - or is it a great proud uncle? Either way I am excited for Kathy and Kevin and their adventure in parenting.
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Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Blizzard of 2011 in Glen Ellyn. February 1st and 2nd, 2011. The snow started Tuesday afternoon and kept going until late Wednesday morning. We were snowed in - and could not open our back door. I pushed open the front door, stumbled through snow up to my hips to the back door and dug us out. Sharon and I then tackled the driveway. It took us several hours and the help of two neighbors with super duper snow blowers.

Yesterday Sharon and I visited our optometrist. He had an answer to my vision issues - I now have cataracts. The cataracts have changed my vision to the point that my near vision has improved and my distance vision has gotten worse. Dr. Robbins said that. in effect, my contacts are now for close up work and I need glasses for distance work. I've ordered new contacts and glasses that will allow me to see again somewhat normally. Time will tell is this will stabilize or worsen.

The cataracts are probably due to the high levels of steroids I took during chemo. There are three types of cataracts and I have two of them:

  • A subcapsular cataract begins at the back of the lens. People with..., or those taking high doses of steroids, may develop a subcapsular cataract.

  • A nuclear cataract is most commonly seen as it forms. This cataract forms in the nucleus, the center of the lens, and is due to natural aging changes.

  • I'll write more after I've got new lenses.

    My fingernails are slowly growing and I have adapted to fingernail issues. The neuropathy in my hands and fingers is still an issue. I have some feeling in my fingertips - but mostly pain. It does hurts to touch, or press, or pick up items. The bottoms of my feet are often sore - but mostly in the morning when I get up. Slippers help! I saw a pulmonologist on Monday who said my lungs sound clear but I still have signs of pneumonia. I'm almost finished with my second round of antibiotics for this. I see her again in about six weeks for a followup x-ray and checkup. My coughing is much better.

    Today is Superbowl Sunday - go Packers! We got a couple of inches of snow this morning, a little more shoveling for us. Sharon is fixing ribs - which will have to be done in the oven unless I dig a path to the grills.