Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Today I have been moving photos from and old computer to a new one. I've been looking at what I have shot in the past and found that I used be pretty good with flowers. Maybe I should do more.

I stayed home from work today because of upper respiratory issues. It seems that cold can get me going with coughing and wheezing and I cannot catch my breath. Asthma like symptoms and I have never had asthma. I went to see Dr. Ha today and he has ordered an inhaler, a pulmonary function test, and an x-ray. We shall see what is going on. Sharon thinks this may be bleomycin related. Perhaps.
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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Ice on our kitchen storm window. Boy it is cold outside and my body does not like cold anymore.

What's happened since my last post? A week ago Wednesday, December 8 I started the day with a visit to Central DuPage Hospital Physician Treatment Center. Dr. Tomasik removed my cath-port. A simple process - poke, slice, pull - but I was very nervous. Sharon held my hands while I was on the table! The port is gone, the wicked port is gone! Later in the day I had my last visit with Dr. Kozuh. I took bottles of Champagne for the Infusion Center Staff, Pat, Jean, and Kristin. Sharon made a chocolate cake for the downstairs staff. My next Oncologist visit is March 7th with Dr. Eisner in Lombard. Months without a doctor visit and NO MORE CHEMO!

This Tuesday will make four weeks since my last chemo and I am slowly getting better. A little more energy, less gagging, fingernails falling off, and some hair starting to grow! The neuropathy is still there in my fingers, palms, soles of my feet and toes. I will take months for that to improve. I'll take the slow improvement because it is improvement.

I am drinking a little red wine now and enjoying it more. And my taste buds are slowly coming back. I can almost enjoy food! I take acidophilus daily which helps my stomach. I suspect I am still trying to regrow stomach lining and intestinal flora and the supplements help.

Back to the cold... I wear some sort of head covering most of the time. I've been getting lots of wear out of my beret lately and speaking more French as a result. I do like to switch head coverings regularly to keep everyone guessing - I hate to be predictable.

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Sunday, December 5, 2010

Red wine! I can drink red wine! I must be getting better.

Sharon baked bread today and roasted turkey thighs and legs. I made cranberry sauce. We are having Thanksgiving leftovers for dinner.

I am felling better. The nausea is down to a couple of gagging sessions a day and I was able to work 30 hours this week. I've got a bit more feeling in my fingers and the taste buds are slowly returning. My fingernails are in the process of falling off - yuck.

Pete Deckinga came to visit on Monday. I was not a great host, but we had a nice visit and caught up on the comings and goings of the Deckingas and the Jordans.

Time for Turkey!