Saturday, May 5, 2018

Friday, May 4, 2018

Another Try

I am going to switch to Wordpress eventually, but in the meantime I need to find ways to deal with Blogpad Pro’s growing bugs. I suspect the problem with Blogpad Pro is that it has not been updated to keep up with iOS changes on the iPad. The developers took their money and ran. I the meantime I will do my editing in Notepad and then past it into Blogpad Pro. That way I will not lose text. Photos are another issue and I will have to live with those problems. 

In the blog post that vanished on upload yesterday I wrote about how ColbyJ’s Ramblings sometimes reminds me of an old Road & Track column that I enjoyed for years; Miscellaneous Ramblings. That’s what I do in this blog, ramble about miscellaneous thoughts.

In mid-April I bought an Amazon Fire 10 when they were offered at $40 off. $109 down from $149 was a deal I couldn’t pass up. Since then I have been learning to use it and filling it up with music and books. I have also been learning its uses and limitations. It is not a tablet for multiple uses such as an iPad. Stick with books, music, and videos and you have a really good tool. Not so much for other things. A number of available apps just don’t seem to work on the Fire 10. For example, OneNote from Microsoft. Just doesn’t work, though it is great on my iPad. I think the lesson is to stick with the iPad for “serious” needs and use the Fire 10 for music, reading, and video.

Well, Blogpad Pro did it again, uploaded a blank page to Blogger. Arggggghhhh!

Thursday, May 3, 2018