Saturday, March 24, 2018

Spring Break

Avery and Anika are on Spring Break this week and I drove to Oregon to spend most of it with them. The last time I drove to Redmond was in the Miata and I have to say the drive is much more comfortable in the Camaro. Quieter, cozier, faster, and many more electronic diversions. Built in navigation and SiriusXM and heated seats and a steering wheel heater make for a very comfortable drive, and surprisingly enough, the gas mileage in the Camaro is as good or better than the Miata. 

Longmont to Twin Falls to Redmond. I took the scenic route across Oregon and got tired of all the turns and ups and downs. This is my last time doing this. I will take a more direct route for the return. The scenery in Wyomings and Idaho was pretty good. Utah doesn't;’t waste much money on their rest areas. Pretty spartan - or is it pretty Mormon? The Temple I saw in Twin Falls was huge. No lack of funds for this. 


Mormon Temple in Twin Falls


Shoshone Falls, Idaho
Scenic Oregon