Sunday, February 25, 2018

Living Three Months At A Time


Driving to Iowa

I’ve been pondering the fact that I now seem to live my life three months at a time. I am on a three month schedule with my oncologist. I have a bone marrow transplant, then three months later a scan and blood tests, then three months later a scan and blood tests, and three months later (tomorrow) no scan but more blood tests, and three months later more tests. I am expecting good test results tomorrow, but still it is a bit nerve wracking. I wonder what my schedule will be going forward for the next few years? Have I ever said that cancer sucks? Well it does.

Last week we drove to Davenport Iowa for Brady’s Seventh birthday. She is quite the princess. We had a nice visit and Brady enjoyed her birthday weekend and skating party.  The drive there was easy with good weather. The drive back home, not so much. Rain, fog, snow kept us occupied. Good to be home in Longmont.

Today Sharon and I booked our flights to and from Barcelona for May. We will be there over three weeks and are excited already. We are flying in Premium Economy on the long flights - this looks pretty nice on both American and British Air. Denver to Miami to Barcelona on the way there and then Barcelona to London to Denver on the return.

Brady Seventh Birthday weekend


Team Knox


I don’t think they missed us.


Chicken Scalopini from my new Nick Stellino cookbook


Goat cheese stuffed Anaheim peppers at Cyclehops


Monday, February 12, 2018

Brrrr and ahhhh


They know how to deal with cold.

Here is an interesting blog I came across today. And another.

Another month and more, time to write something. I have been busy making the cabinets for Sharon’s office. As of today the base units are in and I have built the carcass for the first of three bookshelf units. It is a slow process but moving along.

We’ve had a couple of snows this past month, but neither one went over two inches. I feel this winter has been colder and drier than last. We have however had warms spells. Last week we were up to about 60° and sunny. I used the warm weather to give the Camaro a much needed wash and the Jeep got an interior detail. We had snow Friday night and Saturday and it warmed up into the 40s on Sunday. Today is cold again - midday and on 14°.

I had a fun birthday party at our house. I cooked brisket and ribs. The brisket was one of the best I have done on the Traeger. Sharon made an exceptional caramel cake and everyone had fun.

Builder Bob and his son are here today putting a wall in the basement. It will separate the workshop from the rest of the basement. It will keep dust confined to the workshop and allow me to use Jorge’s idea for a gallery wall.

Health wise I am doing well. I have not had the flu or even a cold. Knock on wood. I have an oncologist check up later this month, lots of blood tests. I have energy, I am gaining weight (darn it.) I do need to get back on my bicycle but I need a run of warmer weather for that. Cancer is a journey. In 2010 after chemo and learning that my Hodgkins lymphoma was gone I thought that was the end of it - I beat cancer. Not so. I now think that cancer is always with you. I am not a survivor, I am outlasting it. I live with the understanding that it can come back and bite me any time. My oncologist told me that the stem cell transplant would buy me about eight years. I’m hoping for ten.

We are going to Davenport this weekend for Brady’s 7th birthday. She is having a party at a roller rink, I am going to pass on that part.

Base cabinets
Bookshelf carcass
My wall