Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Happy Holidays

As I write this Sharon and I are on a flight from Denver to Chicago and then on to St. Paul. This is my first flight since my stem cell transplant and I am happy to be cleared to travel again. We are however taking precautions using disinfectant wipes on everything and if someone around me starts coughing or sneezing I will put on a mask. We had a fun and busy Christmas holiday with visitors from Florida - Katie and Jorge Soler, and Chicago with Aliza Soler and Nick Carchidi so we had a houseful! We went up to Rocky Mountain National Park with Katie, Jorge, and Nick and visited Boulder. And, we ate a lot! We cooked Arroz con pollo, burgers, a Cuban meal for Christmas Eve and a three bone roast beast for Christma day. Jorge made a dobosh torte and Sharon made buche de noel on top of assorted cookies and lemon curd. No stomach went unfilled. On Chistmas Eve we had a full house with twelve of us enjoying our Cuban feast. Our trip after Christmas to St. Paul to visit with Larry and Dave was originally a drive to Palm Springs for two weeks with the boys. Though we won’t be as warm, and only gone until January 3, we will have a great New Years. 

I continue to feel well. The stem cell transplant has done its job and I am healthy and have energy. I am almost finished with the basement ceiling and will tackle the cabinets and shelves for Sharon’s office next. The booze room is done except for details with the trim and some touchup painting. I have plenty on my plate to keep me busy in 2018. Sharon will be on the road again starting in January. She has a new customer in the San Diego area and will be flying there a lot. We are planning on Sitges in May with Katie and Jorge.

Despite the cold, we had a very nice New Year visit with Larry and Dave, though Dave had to leave us for California to care for his dad.