Monday, October 2, 2017

Another Month!

A month has gone by since my last blog post, time to catch up. We have gone from summer to fall here in Longmont and I have had to give up shorts and sandals and switch to wearing jeans and socks and shoes. Bummer. I do enjoy summer! We are i8n a spell of cloudy weather with rain and fog and darn little sun. We usually seem to have sun every day and we have only had a couple of sunny days in the last week or so. I’ve had to put off plans for trips to Rocky Mountain National Park to fish and see fall colors and elk gatherings, and now there is snow on the ground there. On our last trip to RMNP Sharon and I left Longmont hoping to escape to smoke that had been swallowing us. We were feeling the effects of fires in Washington, Oregon, Montana, Utah, and Colorado. Turns out the smoke was not as thick above 9,000 feet bit it was still there.

During the past month I have been busy in the basement. I have the dust control system installed and working, I am arranging the workshop and have built three shelf cabinets. We moved two book shelves from Glen Ellyn that I had built. They are now on the wall in the basement and filled with an overflow of kitchen items. The new shelves match those in style and are storing shop related items. It is good to be making things down there and to be almost organized.

We finished the month with a visit from Lee and Peg. They had a wedding in Boulder and spent the weekend with us. We had a very nice visit, it was good to see them. Lee gave me some very good ideas for the basement and I now know how I am going to do the ceiling in the Booze Room. If that works out I will do the same in the TV room.

I have been feeling strong except for having two colds this past month. I have to be more careful when I am out in the world. No immune system means I can catch what is out there. I have to be especially careful with flu season coming on. Alcohol wipes, hand washing, face masks are all required.

Sunset enhanced by smoke
Smoke in the background
Gotta have a cat picture
Lee and Peg entertained by the kitties.      
Avery and Anika go back to school