Friday, September 1, 2017

Three Month Followup


This week I had a three month followup PET scan, blood tests, and Oncologist visit. That three months is three months since my Autologous Bone Marrow Transplant - Stem Cell Transplant.

The news is generally good but Dr. Kamdar did have issues with some lymph nodes in my abdomen showing too "bright" in the scan. The remainder of my problem lymph nodes were smaller and not as "bright" as they once were. My spleen has reduced in size to now be a normal size. I didn't know my spleen was enlarged. My blood work is all good. Dr. Kamdar says I am doing better and recovering quicker than her other transplant patients.

We have agreed to have another scan in three months and make decisions based on the results of that scan. It could show no change, reductions in lymph size or "brightness", or growth. We could do nothing or it could mean going on a long term maintenance Rituxan regime - meaning Rituxan every two months for two years. Or, it could mean further treatment which could be CAR T clinical trials - which Dr. Kamdar is running at CU.

Bottom line, I am feeling very well. My energy levels are increasing, I am eating (and tasting) everything. I am riding my bike, I am fishing, I am getting the shop back together in the basement. I am doing much better than I was back in December when this lymphoma started to really hit me. And, I am positive I can lick this.

The last photo on this page is the Leanin Tree Western Art Museum. This was a private museum in Boulder but is now history. It contained an exceptional private collection of western art, but it is being dismantled and sold by the owner. I went twice and Sharon was able to visit once. I took John and Averty and Anika when they were here. 


The Pond At One Year


We Have Little Shubunkins


Eclipse Party


Even The Kitties Eclipsed


Colby Eclipsing


The Big Thompson in Moraine Park


River Rocks


Longing To Go Out


Weekly Bath Time
A Last Look At Leanin Tree Museum