Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Fall Biking

Today my ride on the Prairie Path was delightful. There were few other bikes, a good. number of runners, and a few walkers. No one was being crazy. There were fallen leaves on the path and the smells were of fall. The weather was cool but not cold and the sky was clear and sunny. This was all much nicer than most rides in the summer where bikers are riding as fast as they can, and groups walk or ride three or four abreast, not sharing the path. I really enjoyed this ride, though because it has been almost three weeks since I've ridden, my 11 mile circuit was about all I could handle!

Monday, October 6, 2014

Collaboration Not Competition

This is my lesson from driving to Davenport last weekend and Minneapolis this week. Driving requires collaboration and cooperation. We are not and should not be in competition with each other on the road.