Friday, September 5, 2014


My GPS reports 5,296.6 miles on this trip. Glen Ellyn Illinois, Estes Park Colorado, Boulder Colorado, Moab Utah, Redmond Oregon, Boulder Colorado, Glen Ellyn Illinois. elevation from 575 feet to 12,600 feet. 89:30 moving time with a moving average of 59 miles/hour.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Places and Things I Dislike...and Like

The entire corridor from Provo to Salt Lake City. Omaha at rush hour. Boulder/Denver at rush hour.

The Interstate Highway system is really awesome. Thanks Ike. We couldn't do it today. Eastern Oregon along Route 20 is beautiful. Southwestern Idaho and Southwestern Wyoming are great to drive through and take in.

Being on the way home is nice, but as the traffic picks up the number of rude drivers does too.

Biking in Boulder is wonderful. And, my new bike is too.