Sunday, December 22, 2013

It's Christmas Time!

This blog entry is overdue because I haven't written anything in a month and an experiment because I'm using Siri to dictate the blog.

The past month has been hard on me primarily hard on my body because of tennis elbow makes it painful to lift things. My job twenty one hours a week involves lifting things as I spend most of my time at Binny's stocking the shelves. My body is looking forward to the end of the holiday season when my arms can recover. I don't have to work Christmas Eve this year, which is really nice. Yesterday, the Saturday before Christmas was my last day on the job before Christmas. Yes!

Sharon has been home for the past week or so and is taking a three-week break from travel which is kind of nice because I like having her around!

It has been nice having her home and we've done things like buying a Christmas tree. And surprise it is not yet Christmas Eve and we already have a Christmas tree up. Now understand, it's not decorated but it does have lights on it and there are lights on the mantle and thereare lights in the front room and there's a wreath on the front porch. Pretty good for the Jordans.

We are expecting a big crowd for Christmas dinner. We have invited Marylin and Bernard and Emma in addition to the Solers though only Katie and Jorge and Aliza will be here. Naturally Kathy and Kevin and Brady will be here along with Christine and Rich and we've been informed that Jessica, JP and the kids will also be joining us. I'm counting eighteen.

We are cooking a beef roast, bone in, as well as smoked brisket that's primarily for the meat eaters in our crowd do not like rare meat. That leaves more rare roast beef for the rest of us!

I hope you're not looking for a Christmas card from the Jordans. We fail to send them out more often than not. This year was no exception. I am however planning on sending out some cards after Christmas. I've missed Christmas and solstice but perhaps I can get them out before Valentine's day! I'm planning on this being a photocard I just need the right photo, something that somehow symbolizes 2013.