Sunday, June 9, 2013

Back in Chicago.

Our last few days in Sitges were so easy and relaxing I failed to write of them. A few highlights will bring us up to date. On Sunday we had a wonderful lunch at La Salseta. We have dined here on each of our four trips to Sitges and the food, wine, and service are always wonderful. Other than this we walked around town, shopped, sat the beach, napped on the roof terrace, had cafe con leche and flautas at Cafe Roy, enjoyed long leisurely lunches in Sitges and relaxed with evenings in the piso with wine, salad, olives, and cheese. Rough.
Fish stew in a rich bisque.
A Catalan take on Baba. Soaked in a liqueur of malvesia de Sitges.
At the Madrid airport we ran into old friends who were headed home from Bilbao. Small world isn't it.
Our flights home were uneventful. Iberia once again out shone American Airlines with much better food, real silverware, and drinkable wine. Our flight was full of college kids from Notre Dame's marching band who had been in Italy, France, and Spain. When we arrived in Chicago and after we cleared passport control and customs, Sharon left me with her suitcase and headed to terminal 3 and flew to Cleveland! I will be glad when she is not going to Cleveland every week.