Sunday, September 30, 2012

John and Kristie September 29, 2012

This photo is from after the ceremony. Go to my Picasa page or Google+ for all of the wedding pictures. It was a wonderful day. The weather was perfect, the ceremony was perfect, and the party after was perfect. Everyone had a great time.

Follow the link to the photos.
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Monday, September 10, 2012

Sharon and I spent the afternoon with Brady at Vander Veer Park in Davenport. This image is my favorite. Kathy visited her orthopedist and now is more mobile, yea! Even so, this won't stop us from visiting Davenport.
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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Labor Day in Chicago

Sharon was about to go outside and pull weeds in the yard and I thought it sounded too much like work for Labor Day. We should not be laboring we should be having fun. We showered and dressed and headed for the train! The plan was lunch at the Art Institute, walk around Millennium Park, take some pictures, spend time together, and head home for leftovers with the neighbors. The plan was successful and we had a great Labor Day.

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