Sunday, September 25, 2011

Fall. It's here in Glen Ellyn. This week I noticed the first colored leaves in our yard and in our neighborhood. Leaves are on the grund and blowing about. I now have to get used to the fact that summer is over and will have to relish any warm sunshine that I can find.

The warmth of the summer sun has been a big help in chemo recovery. My body can still get too cold too fast and I have a hard time getting warm again. Thus I not not looking forward to cold weather again but I will have to deal with it.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

So far behind!

I have not finished my reports on France and Spain and here it is September and I have just returned from a 4800 mile odessy to Redmond Oregon and back in my Miata. Bear with me. I WILL get up to speed and up to date.